
Turbo Typer

You do not need an alternate keyboard layout like Colemak or Dvorak to type fast. Nor do you need to learn to use the QWERTY “home row keys.” All it takes is a misspent youth and muscle memory.

My typing teacher in high school wasn’t my biggest fan. I won the class typing competitions without using the “proper” techniques she taught. I could tell it pained her to give me the prizes.

Now if I could only think as fast as I can type…

Give it a go!


Old iPhones are teeny tiny

My iPhone 12 Pro next to my old iPhone 4S

A few surprises today:

  1. I still have my iPhone 4S.
  2. It still charges and boots!
  3. It’s so tiny! The picture doesn’t do it justice.

A K&R classic

It has been zero days since opening this classic.

Retro Computing Thoughts

Voodoo Economics

I have two GPUs on my desk right now. On the left is my Voodoo3 3000 that I’ve had for ~20 years. On the right is my GTX 1060 6GB from 2017.

Due to the retro computing market, the Voodoo3 sells for more. 😳

Left: Voodoo3 3000 Right: GTX 1060 6GB


An old, bad purchase

If bad investments have got you down, let me share with you the time I paid ~$200 for a 40GB SSD with a write speed of 40MB/s and a read of 185MB/s. 😬

Oh, and I bought two.

Apple Thoughts

The Mac Studio

I’ve had a Mac Studio for a month now, so I have thoughts to share.

tl;dr – It’s great and is what I’ve wanted from Apple for a long time.

The product line gap

There’s been a gap in Apple’s Mac product line for years, though most consumers wouldn’t have noticed, and that’s the reason it existed.

Here’s a user who fits the profile:

  • Wants a desktop
  • Wants complete control over their displays
  • Wants modularity
  • Wants a bunch of ports
  • Wants high(er) performance
  • Needs macOS

The user is me.

iOS Projects Thoughts

Happy New Year!


Watch your tabs!

Yay computers!

Because I missed a tab in a Python script, my home Docker box has been running with a higher-than-necessary CPU utilization and spiky temperatures for five months. 😬

Tab has now been tabbed. 🐍

Projects Thoughts

House analytics

My Dad and I built the alarm system for their house in late 2009. He handled hardware, I did software. From time to time I export the data it collects just for the heck of it, since it’s been running non-stop for years.

The back door at their house has been opened 41,267 since the end of November 2009. That’s kind of surprising to me.

It’s interesting to see some patterns in the graph – it’s how many times the door has been opened per month. You can definitely tell what year I bought my house. 🙂

Back Door Graph


Impressions of Snow Leopard

So I got Snow Leopard in Friday. Overall, it’s not too bad. Am I going to replace Leopard with it immediately? Unfortunately no. Though I appreciate the many under-the-hood advancements and some great new features, you don’t have to try hard to figure out that Snow Leopard has some issues.

Current issues:

  • No Archive and Install – The first bump in the road I ran into was the lack of “Archive and Install”. Now this isn’t really a bug, but I think it’s worth pointing out. From what I can tell, you now only get two options when installing the latest version of OS X – either to upgrade, or to do a clean install. It appears Apple has removed the “Archive and Install” option that I was looking forward to using. Instead of being able to simply archive my previous installation of Leopard and move big files back over, I instead had to grab these files from a Time Machine backup. This resulted in waiting longer (coming from an external disk) and then dealing with file attribute problems (Time Machine adds certain permissions to the files it generates I’ve learned).
  • Choppy Spaces – I’m a huge fan of Spaces. I have it set up so that when I throw the mouse at the bottom-right corner of my screen, my six spaces fly into view. I can’t live without it anymore – it’s a huge productivity booster. With Leopard I’m used to this being a very smooth process, especially in 9600GT mode. In Snow Leopard this isn’t the case. It’s noticeably choppy, not to mention there is obvious quirkiness you can spot with open windows. Many people wouldn’t really have an issue with this, but it makes me cringe every time I see how slow it is.
  • Jagged / Ugly Fonts – One problem anyone with eyes would notice, though, is font smoothing. People like me who run external monitors have been complaining of jagged fonts even with font smoothing / anti-aliasing on. Before, you could choose between multiple levels of smoothing – now you can only select a single option. The solution for me was to resort to a command in the Terminal, log off, and log back on:
    defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 2

    I didn’t have a problem doing this – my eyes promptly quit bleeding – but most users wouldn’t feel very comfortable throwing some odd looking text into the Terminal.

  • Various compatibility issues – This isn’t necessarily Apple’s fault. Developers have had plenty of time to test their software with Snow Leopard and prepare. The truth is, many applications out there have issues or simply won’t run. We can only wait until these developers push out updated code before these problems are fixed.

Current improvements:

  • Quicktime X – I’m really liking QuickTime X. Incorporating some of the features users could only previously get in QuickTime Pro is great. I absolutely love the screen capture ability.
  • Multiple camera support in Photo Booth – You can now select between multiple cameras in Photo Booth. For the tiny percentage of us users who needed this ability, thank you Apple. I have a Logitech Vision Pro on my main monitor that serves as my main camera when “docked”. It was an ugly process before to get it to work with Photo Booth – open iChat, tell it to use your iSight, simultaneously open Photo Booth, hope that it loads your other camera, close iChat. Now you simply click the camera in a drop down box.
  • Better screen zoom – The screen zoom feature now has a nifty advancement Update: I’ve learned this is a feature in Leopard, they’ve just changed the default behavior – your screen only moves once your mouse reaches the boundaries of your screen. This is wonderful for people like me who use it often to read articles, and occasionally grab the mouse to scroll down. Before, if you moved the mouse a millimeter, the entire screen would shift. Now it only moves if you go all the way to one side.
  • Smarter Finder – Finder can now start its search from the folder you’re browsing. This is great. In Leopard if you were in a network folder and wanted to search for a file you click the little search box, type in your search, and it suddenly starts searching your local files. Why? You’d then have to click back to the remote location and it finally starts searching where you wanted to search in the first place. This is now an option in Finder called “When performing a search, search the current folder”.
  • Icon media preview – You can now preview files simply by mousing over and clicking once. This is awesome for videos or sound files – just hover, click, and watch / listen. It’s a preview before loading Preview. I can’t say this is innovative though – I remember using this in Nautilus in Gnome years ago.
  • Minimize windows to icon – Windows can now minimize to the application’s icon. This provides a much cleaner look when having many windows open, as they simply slide back where they came from. This also works well with the new application expose feature which lets you just look at the windows from that application by clicking. It also makes sense that this feature will be used heavily with a tablet device.


Of course this is just a portion of what’s out there, good and bad. Am I surprised that there were issues with an operating system on the first day it came out? Of course not. No one should be. In my case I’ve decided to wait until Snow Leopard is ready. There’s no doubt that once it’s updated a few times it will be better than Leopard – this certainly isn’t any sort of XP to Vista sort of deal – it’s just going to take some time. I do plan on installing Snow Leopard on a separate smaller partition and test it as time goes on to keep up with its progress. As soon as it’s ready, I’m there.