Now that this site has basically turned into ‘herp derp‘ central, I thought I’d post some numbers up regarding downloads. Running this command on my Apache access logs provided me with the download numbers for each browser version (in this case Firefox):
cat access.log | grep xpi | colrm 16 | sort | uniq | wc -l
Note: This method isn’t exactly super precise, it would only count once per IP, but it does the job. It also doesn’t account for other sites like
As of this post:
Chrome: 4722
Firefox: 2564
Safari: 531
Opera: 278
Update: 7-12-12
Shortly after creating this post I got picked up by Boing Boing, Gizmodo, and Reddit. New numbers:
Chrome: 8026
Firefox: 4025
Safari: 919
Opera: 415
Go Herp Derp!